Respecting the wishes of her late husband, Ms. Veder bequeathed all her property to the “Foyer de l’Âme” parish by will, with a mandate to dedicate it to the creation of a young women’s Residence named in memory of their only daughter who died prematurely by accident before her 20th birthday.


The Paris YWCA acquires the 168 Blomet Street vacant land with the project to increase its accommodation capacity. However the Association lacks financial means to erect a building, and thus requests the participation of a social housing company named “Habitat Communautaire Locatif”.


The “Foyer de l’Âme” parish contacts the Paris YWCA Association to see if it agrees to be the executor of the Veder spouses’ will by committing to create a new young women’s Residence. The Paris YWCA governing board accepts and then initiates the administrative procedures with the State Council for the will’s transfer.


After a year of works, the social housing company entrusts the brand new building’s management to the Paris YWCA, which becomes the tenant of the 168 Blomet Street. At the opening, the building offered a Residence for young women upstairs and a public self-service canteen in its basement.


Following the publication of the State Council decree confirming the will’s transfer from the parish to the association, the Paris YWCA initiates real property disposal administrative procedures.


Thanks to the Veder will, the Paris YWCA buys back the building to the social housing company, to ensure full ownership of the 168 Blomet Street: land and building. In accordance with the Veder family wishes, the Residence still bears the name “Anne-Marie Veder”, and the Paris YWCA still takes care of the annual maintenance of the family graves in the “Père-Lachaise” cemetery.