3 residences at the heart of Paris
Our Residences are located in the heart of dynamic districts: rich in various activities, cultural places and green spaces. The three buildings are very well served by public transport.
Within the three Residences you will find:
- Single, double or triple bedrooms.
- Common rooms: kitchen, dining, TV, living, reading, studying or working.
- Sanitary and laundry rooms.
Cross-Residences life
Our Residence operates independently of the others but according to the same principles and with constant interactions.
Each year, resident-delegates elections are conducted in order for the young to be heard at the House Council that proposes actions to be carried out to improve further the Residences living conditions, and/or organize collective events such as: animated dinners, talent’s night, sports tournaments, or debate, theater, and film workshops…
The newcomers are assured of a warm welcome during an evening organized by former residents.